Food Safety

Dairy Food Safety Alliance

Together with the Center for Dairy Research, the Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association leads the Dairy Food Safety Alliance, a group designed to deliver the latest in food safety news to dairy product manufacturers, processors, and their suppliers.

The Dairy Food Safety Alliance meets biannually and features speakers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection, and respected leaders in the field of food safety and quality assurance.

Learn more and get involved today! Contact WCMA's Kirsten Strohmenger.

FSMA Compliance Support

Disclaimer: The information provided in the documents below is for informational purposes only, and may not be used as a substitute for legal advice regarding food safety laws in any jurisdiction. Materials are based on compliance with federal laws.  The Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association makes no representation or warranty with respect to the completeness, accuracy, reliability, or suitability of any information provided in training sessions or materials. We recommend that participants consult an attorney concerning the laws applicable to any particular situation.  By utilizing the materials provided, you agree to release WCMA and their agents from any and all liability that may result from your use of the information provided in the materials.

The Dairy Food Safety Alliance is pleased to offer FSMA-compliant templates for dairy processors covering SOPs, Records, and Support Documents. These templates are a resource that can provide guidance as a self-assessment and or be shared with the supply chain to enhance and or develop FSMA-compliant documents.

These templates can provide a foundation for an effective Food Safety System; the stronger a facility's foundation, the stronger its Food Safety Plan.

Please review these below and direct any questions to WCMA staff.

Standard Operating Procedures


Support Documents